Articles on: Settings & Usage

Positive Grid Feature Overview & Settings

**Positive Grid Feature Description**

Forex Recover Bot includes a feature called "Positive Grid", which can help speed up the recovery process.

Traditionally, when the bot is managing a recovery grid it will only add new orders to the grid if price moves in the opposite direction. For example, if the bot is managing a recovery sell grid, the bot will only add orders if price moves in the opposite direction (ie; if price goes up and against our sell grid trades).

However, with positive grid enabled it will allow the bot to add orders to the grid no matter which way price moves. For example, if the bot opens a sell grid and price continues to fall (price moves in our direction), the bot will open new sell trades in an attempt to reach our grid take profit faster and recovery the trade.

**Positive Grid Pros:**

We have found that this feature has the ability to speed up recovery time significantly

**Positive Grid Cons:**

Overall the bot will open more orders - ensure that your account has enough margin to manage orders

**Positive Grid Settings Explained**

Setting NameSetting Description
Enable Positive GridEnable / Disable the positive grid feature
Positive Grid stepThe number of pips that price must move in our direction before the bot will add a positive grid order. Example: if set to 100, each time price moves 10 pips / 100 points in our direction, the bot will open a new positive grid trade.
Positive Grid Min Distance to TPIf price is X points away from take profit, the bot will not open a new trade. Example, if set to 100, then if price is 10 pips / 100 points away from take profit the bot will not add a new positive grid - as price is already close to closing the grid

**Positive Grid Video**

Updated on: 23/06/2024

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